Vacation Sensation - RealityKings with Nina Elle, Brooke Haze

Vacation Sensation - RealityKings with Nina Elle, Brooke Haze

5 January 16 266523 17863 407459


New stepmom, Nina, and her stepdaughter, Brooke, are having fun bonding together on their beach vacation, and Brooke is surprised but intrigued when the blonde MILF pulls out her tits right out in public to rub some suntan oil on them! In the privacy of their hotel room, Nina asks her stepdaughter to dish about her love life, and when she learns that Brooke has a crush on a girl but has never had a lesbian experience before, she offers to help teach her the ropes! Brooke seems like she already knows just what she's doing as she sucks her stepmom's big, fake tits and even licks her asshole, and by the time these babes finish 69ing and scissoring, she's a bonafide vag expert!

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