Convertible Squirters - RealityKings with Ashley Adams, Jenna Foxx, Charles Dera

Convertible Squirters - RealityKings with Ashley Adams, Jenna Foxx, Charles Dera

5 January 16 131910 45176 45903


Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to two of the hottest pornstars in the industry: Ashley Adams and Jenna Foxx! Come spend the day with these two sluts as they take the streets of Miami by storm! We meet up with these busty beauties on the beach as they flash their massive boobs and have some fun building sand castles. When Charles Dera meets up with these two luscious ladies, they decide to go on a road trip where they cause traffic on the highway by sucking some dick in the backseat! When we needed to stop for gas, these girls start flicking their clits and squirting all over the convertible! There's nothing these wild and cock crazy ladies won't do, so enjoy spending the day with Ashley and Jenna as they suck cock on the freeway, squirt from their pussies in the street and eventually take Charles back to their hotel where they fuck his brains out with their fantastic tits and asses on full display! Ashley and Jenna absolutely love fucking around Miami, especially if it means spending the day with Reality Kings!

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